17 Kasım 2011 Perşembe

2012 Honda CR-V launch remains on track

Nothing trills the media and occupies the mind as much as natural disaster. Sadly though, the latest one being the floods in Thailand have plenty other things to be said about them.

Sure there’s plenty of human and other forms of life lost but out in the first world there’s plenty of more important problems such as short supplies of hard-drives and car components.

 2012 honda cr-v ex-l

 Though seemingly, most Japanese manufacturers are affected by the part shortage, Honda has managed to avoid it as far as the 2012 CR-V launch is concerned.

There have been some reports about the U.S. version of the Civic being low on stocks so maybe they pilfered stocks for the hatchback in order to keep their SUV on time.

2012 honda cr v towing capacity

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